Surgery Terminology Definitions


Surgery to remove or repair the adrenal glands, which are located near the kidneys.

Surgery for cosmetic reasons.

Surgery to remove an extremity such as a foot, arm, etc.

Aneurysms occur when the wall of a blood vessel becomes weak and a portion of the artery widens or balloons. The type of surgery needed to repair an aneurysm depends on the symptoms and size and type of aneurysm.

The widening of arteries. Arteries may become clogged as a result of atherosclerosis, the buildup of fatty tissue like cholesterol. Arteries bring the blood from your heart to the tissues.

The fusion of the ankle joint.

The replacement of the ankle joint.

Surgery in which a special camera called an endoscope is inserted through a small cut in the skin called a port, to examine or repair tissues inside the shoulder.

Surgery that involves an incision into the ankle.

Removal of a piece of bone from the ankle.

Surgery to rebuild the ankle joint.

Creating or closing an abnormal passageway between an artery and a vein (Arteriovenous fistula).

Adult patients are 16 years old or older. This category includes procedures that relieve pressure on the nerves in the spine, including laminectomy, discectomy, insertion or upgrade of a generator and lead, fusion, vertebrectomy, cordotomy, and excision of a spinal cord tumor.

Pediatric patients are under 16 years old. This category includes procedures that relieve pressure on the nerves in the spine, including laminectomy, discectomy, insertion or upgrade of a generator and lead, fusion, vertebrectomy, cordotomy, and excision of a spinal cord tumor.

The removal of part of the stomach to make it smaller so that food intake is restricted. The wait times shown begin after completion of the Obesity Network program in Halifax. 

Bladder Cancer Surgery is surgery for proven or suspected cancer including bladder resection and cystectomy.

Surgery on the bladder, the organ that stores urine.

Surgery to replace missing cartilage or bone with grafts that can either come from the patient, a donor bank, or are made artificially.

Adult patients are 16 years old or older. These hearing aids treat hearing loss by surgically implanting a system that allows sound to be conducted through the bone.

Pediatric patients are under 16 years old. These hearing aids treat hearing loss by surgically implanting a system that allows sound to be conducted through the bone.

This surgical procedure removes all or part of the small or large intestine.

Surgery to remove part of the intestines using a special camera called a laparoscope that is inserted through a small cut in the skin called a port.

The surgical removal of part of the intestines.

This category is made up of a large number of brain surgery procedures on adult patients 16 years old or older, including craniotomy, craniectomy, shunt insertion, ventriculostomy, deep brain stimulation, biopsy, CSF reservoir insertion, and excision of a tumor.

This category is made up of a large number of brain surgery procedures on pediatric patients under 16 years old, including craniotomy, craniectomy, shunt insertion, ventriculostomy, deep brain stimulation, biopsy, CSF reservoir insertion, and excision of a tumor.

Cosmetic surgery to make the breasts bigger.

Breast cancer surgery includes mastectomy, lumpectomy, and breast reconstruction completed at the same time as mastectomy.

This surgical procedure rebuilds a breast's shape after a breast removal (mastectomy).

This surgical procedure reduces the size of breasts by removing fat, skin, and glandular tissue.

Surgery to remove the bursa, which is fluid in a joint.

A technique to repair a faulty electrical pathway in the heart, such as abnormal heart rhythms called arrhythmia

This surgical procedure repairs or replaces diseased heart valves.

Surgery on the heart and/or the large vessels that bring blood to and from the heart.

A medical or electrical procedure to repair faulty heart rhythms.

This surgical procedure removes deposits of fat, called plaque, from the carotid arteries in the neck.

Carpal tunnel release is surgery to treat carpal tunnel syndrome. In this procedure a ligament in the hand is cut to allow more space for the nerve and tendons.

Cataract surgery is the removal of a clouded lens (or cataract) from the eye to improve vision. The wait time shown is for patients who had their first cataract surgery.

This surgery includes several procedures such as cervical laminectomy and sympathectomy, fusion, laminoplasty, cervical discectomy and open reduction and internal fixation.

Adult patients are 16 years old or older.

A chest scope is a test that looks at the inside of the lungs. Chest scopes include procedures called bronchoscopy, thoracoscopy, pleuroscopy and mediastinoscopy. The wait times shown are for chest scopes performed under general anesthesia.

Pediatric patients are under 16 years old. A chest scope is a test that looks at the inside of the lungs. Chest scopes include procedures called bronchoscopy, thoracoscopy, pleuroscopy and mediastinoscopy. The wait times shown are for chest scopes performed under general anesthesia.

Adult patients are 16 years old or older.  This surgery repairs birth defects of the upper lip and roof of the mouth (palate).

Pediatric patients are under 16 years old. This surgery repairs birth defects of the upper lip and roof of the mouth (palate).

Colorectal Cancer Surgery is surgery for proven or suspected cancer including bowel resection or repair, colectomy, colostomy, ileostomy, perineal resection and removal of rectal tumours.

Surgery to correct defects in the heart that were present at birth.

Surgery on the cornea, which is the front of the eye, in front of the lens.

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft is provided at the Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre in Halifax. During CABG, a healthy artery or vein from the body is connected, or grafted, to the blocked coronary artery. The grafted artery or vein bypasses (that is, goes around) the blocked portion of the coronary artery. This creates a new path for oxygen-rich blood to flow to the heart muscle.

A craniotomy is a procedure in which a flap of bone is removed from the skull for the surgeon to access brain tissue. In this case it is to treat epilepsy.

A surgical procedure in which a flap of bone is removed from the skull.

Surgery to examine or repair tissues inside the bladder using a special camera called a cystoscope which is inserted through the urethra.

Adult patients are 16 years old or older. This surgery includes extracting teeth or restructuring supporting bone.

Pediatric patients are under 16 years old. This surgery includes extracting teeth or restructuring supporting bone.

Adult patients are 16 years old or older. During this surgery a doctor makes a small incision in the eardrum (Myringotomy) and places tubes inside the incision so that the middle ear space can clear fluid and equalize pressure.

Pediatric patients are under 16 years old. During this surgery a doctor makes a small incision in the eardrum (Myringotomy) and places tubes inside the incision so that the middle ear space can clear fluid and equalize pressure.

Surgery to remove plaque (built up material) form inside the walls of the arteries.

Endometrial Ablation is a procedure to remove the lining of the uterus (endometrium). The procedure is used to control heavy uterine bleeding.

Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is a procedure where a special camera called an endoscope is inserted and fluorescent dyes are used to examine parts of the GI tract.

Surgery on the Esophagus, the part of the GI tract that connects the mouth to the stomach, or removal of the esophagus.

This procedure inserts a special camera called an endoscope down the esophagus to examine or repair tissues inside.

The removal of a benign (not cancer) tumour that causes pain on the sole of the foot.

Female Incontinence Surgery is performed to reduce involuntary leakage of urine. It includes bladder suspension surgery, burch sling and vaginal sling surgeries.

The fusion of joints in the foot.

The replacement of joints in the foot.

An incision into the foot.

The removal of a bunion, a deformity of the big toe.

The removal of a piece of bone from the foot.

Rebuilding of joints in the foot.

Functional endoscopic sinus surgery is used to treat a variety of sinus problems, including sinusitis and nasal polyps. It is performed using nasal endoscopes, which are tiny cameras inserted through the nostrils to avoid cutting the skin.

Surgery to remove the gall bladder.

Surgery of the stomach. 

This procedure inserts a special camera called a laparoscope into the stomach to examine or repair it.

This procedure inserts a special camera called a laparoscope into the stomach to examine or repair it. Surgery on the GI tract, the path that food follows through the body.

Surgery on the GI tract, the path that food follows through the body, using a special small camera called a laparoscope.

This surgery treats glaucoma by reducing eye pressure. Glaucoma can lead to damage of the optic nerve, often due to increased pressure in the eye.

Surgery to treat cancers of the female reproductive system.

Surgery on the hand, wrist, arm, etc.

Surgery of the head and neck.

Adult patients are 16 years old or older. This surgery repairs a hernia in any area other than the location of an incision from a previous surgery. A hernia occurs when a piece of an organ sticks through the wall that should normally contain it. See "Hernia Repair - Incisional" for the wait times for incisional hernia repair.

Pediatric patients are under 16 years old. This surgery repairs a hernia in any area other than the location of an incision from a previous surgery. A hernia occurs when a piece of an organ sticks through the wall that should normally contain it. See "Hernia Repair - Incisional" for the wait times for incisional hernia repair.

This surgery repairs a hernia that has formed in the same location of an incision from a previous surgery. See "Hernia Repair" for the wait times for other types of hernia repair.

Repair of a hernia in the groin area. A hernia occurs when a piece of an organ sticks through the wall that should normally contain it.

Repair of a hernia using a special small camera called a laparoscope that is inserted into the body through a small incision called a port. A hernia occurs when a piece of an organ sticks through the wall that should normally contain it. Incisional hernias occur at the site of a previous surgery.

Repair of a hernia in the groin area using a special small camera called a laparoscope that is inserted into the body through a small incision called a port. A hernia occurs when a piece of an organ sticks through the wall that should normally contain it.

Repair of a hernia using a special small camera called a laparoscope that is inserted into the body through a small incision called a port. A parastomal hernia is a type of incisional hernia, a hernia that occurs at the site of a stoma, which is an opening. For example, a colostomy is an artificial opening.

Repair of a hernia in the abdomen using a special small camera called a laparoscope that is inserted into the body through a small incision called a port. More common in small children. A hernia occurs when a piece of an organ sticks through the wall that should normally contain it.

Repair of a hernia in the abdomen using a special small camera called a laparoscope that is inserted into the body through a small incision called a port. A hernia occurs when a piece of an organ sticks through the wall that should normally contain it.

Repair of a hernia in the back of the abdomen. A hernia occurs when a piece of an organ sticks through the wall that should normally contain it.

Repair of a hernia. A parastomal hernia is a type of incisional hernia, a hernia that occurs at the site of a stoma, which is an opening. For example, a colostomy is an artificial opening.

Repair of a hernia in the abdomen. More common in small children. A hernia occurs when a piece of an organ sticks through the wall that should normally contain it.

Repair of a hernia in the abdomen usually in the middle of the abdominal wall. A hernia occurs when a piece of an organ sticks through the wall that should normally contain it.

Examination or repair of the hip using a special small camera called an arthroscope that is inserted into the body through a small incision called a port.

This surgery replaces the hip joint with an artificial joint. The wait time shown is for patients who had their first hip replacement.

The replacement of one part of the hip with an artificial part. Damaged tissue is removed and replaced.

This surgery replaces a previously implanted artificial hip joint with a new one.

A hysterectomy is surgery to remove a woman's uterus. The wait time shown is for patients who were not suspected of having cancer.

A hysterectomy is surgery to remove a woman's uterus. The wait time shown is for patients who were suspected of having cancer or who were proven to have cancer.

Examination or repair of the uterus using a special small camera called a hysteroscope.

Examination or repair of the ileum, a long part of the intestines, using a special small camera called an endoscope.

A vascular access procedure involves the insertion of a flexible and sterile thin plastic tube, or catheter, into a blood vessel to provide an effective method of drawing blood or delivering medications and nutrients into a patient's bloodstream over a period of time.

Insertion of an electronic device just below the collarbone is used to help monitor or regulate potentially fast and life-threatening electrical problems with the heart.

Surgery on the kidney or upper parts of the urinary tract.

Nephrectomy is the removal of all or part of the kidney.

This surgery is to treat a kidney stone, which is a solid mass that forms in the kidney or ureter. Kidney stones are formed from certain mineral substances in urine that create small crystals that turn into stones.

This surgery replaces the knee joint with an artificial joint. The wait time shown is for patients who had their first knee replacement.

The replacement of one part of the knee with an artificial part. Damaged tissue is removed and replaced.

This surgery replaces a previously implanted artificial knee joint with a new one.

Knee arthroscopy is when a special camera called an endoscope is inserted inside the knee to check for problems. Surgery is often done at the same time as the arthroscopy.

During this procedure, the ligament in the centre of the knee is replaced with a new ligament (the Anterior cruciate ligament).

A Procedure to improve the functioning of the tear ducts, for example if they are blocked.

Surgery to repair the vocal chords.

Surgery to repair or remove part of the liver.

Lung Cancer Surgery is surgery for proven or suspected cancer including thoracotomies with partial or complete resection of the lung.

This category includes lobectomy, mediastinoscopy/thoracotomy, pneumonectomy, thorascopy, sternotomy, decortications of the lung, and resections.

The removal of a small piece of tissue form the lymph nodes, which are distributed across the body, to test for disease such as cancer.

Adult patients are 16 years old or older. This procedure removes the foreskin of the penis.

Pediatric patients are under 16 years old. This procedure removes the foreskin of the penis.

Surgery to repair male incontinence, the inability to control urination.

Surgery to organs and tissues in the male reproductive system , such as the penis, testicles, etc.

Movement of an extremity, such as a leg, often under anesthetic, to improve its alignment.

This surgery corrects deformities of the teeth, face, or skull.

This surgical procedure to remove skin cancer (melanoma lesion) is performed in an operating room.

Surgery to remove the meniscus, which is cartilage in the knee.

Surgery to stimulate the nerves or brain with electrical impulses for therapeutic purposes.

This surgery includes tethered cord release of the spine and decompression, transposition, exploration, or repair of a nerve.

Surgery using a small camera called a laparoscope to treat acid reflux disease.

Surgery to treat acid reflux disease.

Plastic surgery of the eye. 

Surgery to repair bones broken in a traumatic event.

The removal of a piece of bone.

Surgery on the outer ear, for instance to correct deformities.

The insertion of a pacemaker, a small device that is inserted at the heart to control faulty rhythms.

This surgery corrects the effects of Dupuytren's Disease, which causes fingers to bend towards the palm of the hand and not fully extend.

Surgery to repair or remove the pancreas, an organ of the digestive system.

Surgery on the knee cap.

Pelvic Floor Repair is surgery to repair the pelvic floor and includes surgeries of the abdomen, bladder, perineum and vagina.

Surgery to find out if there is fluid in the abdomen and possible drainage of the fluid.

Surgical removal of an abscess on the buttocks.

Prostate Cancer Surgery is surgery for proven or suspected cancer including prostatectomy and pelvic node dissection.

The insertion of radioactive seeds into the prostate to treat cancer.

Surgery to repair or remove the prostate, due to cancer.

Surgery using a special small camera to repair or remove the prostate, due to cancer.

This surgical procedure removes all or part of the prostate.

This includes both types of procedures. Surgery to remove the ovaries is also called Oophorectomy and surgery to remove fallopian tubes is called Salpingectomy. The wait time shown is for patients who were not suspected of having cancer.

This includes both types of procedures. Surgery to remove the ovaries is also called Oophorectomy and surgery to remove fallopian tubes is called Salpingectomy. The wait time shown is for patients who were suspected of having cancer or who were proven to have cancer.

Surgery to repair broken bones in the face and eye sockets, usually due to trauma such as a Motor Vehicle Accident.

Surgery to remove diseased bone tissue in the hip and put in a partial implant. Not a complete replacement of the joint.

Surgery to remove diseased bone tissue in the knee and put in a partial implant. Not a complete replacement of the joint.

A Procedure to stimulate the sacral nerve, which is in the base of the spine.

Surgery to repair or remove the salivary glands in the mouth.

This surgical procedure corrects problems in the nasal septum, which is the wall inside the nose that separates the nostrils.

Replacement of the shoulder joint.

This procedure inserts a special camera called an endoscope through a small cut in the skin to examine or repair tissues inside the shoulder.

This category includes acromioplasty, arthroplasty, and shoulder repair.

Sinus surgery includes a wide range of procedures to treat sinus conditions, including nasal polypectomy, nose fracture repair, septorhinoplasty, sinus endoscopy and turbinectomy.

Surgery to insert, remove or adjust a spinal cord stimulator, a device that sends electrical signals to the spinal cord in order to treat pain.

Repair or removal of the spleen, an organ that is part of the immune system and is found on the left hand side of the upper abdomen.

Sports medicine deals with physical fitness and the treatment and prevention of injuries related to sports and exercise.

An incision into the chest wall.

Adult patients are 16 years old or older. This surgery corrects eye muscle problems that cause crossed (misaligned) eyes. The medical term for crossed eyes is strabismus.

Pediatric patients are under 16 years old. This surgery corrects eye muscle problems that cause crossed (misaligned) eyes. The medical term for crossed eyes is strabismus.

Surgery of the inner ear to restore hearing or balance. 

Removal of synovial fluid, which is found in joints.

Surgery to repair the tear ducts, for example if they are blocked.

This surgery repairs the temporomandibular joint, which connects the lower jaw to the part of the skull immediately in front of the ear. Pain in this area is often called "TMJ", which is the name of the joint.

The removal of a small amount of tissue from the temporal artery located on the side of the head, to test for inflammation.

The repair of tendons and ligaments, the connective tissues that attached muscles and bones to other bones.

This procedure uses a small special camera called a thorascope to examine or repair the inside of the chest and lungs.

The removal of the thymus gland, which is located between the lungs.

This surgery, also called thyroidectomy, removes all or part of the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate metabolism.

Adult patients are 16 years old or older. These surgical procedures remove the tonsils or adenoids.

Pediatric patients are under 16 years old. These surgical procedures remove the tonsils or adenoids.

Tubal Ligation is also known as 'getting your tubes tied.' This operation is performed to block off a woman's fallopian tubes to prevent pregnancy.

Vein stripping is surgery to remove varicose veins in the legs.

This surgery creates an alternate or additional route for blood flow by moving blood vessels or implanting synthetic tubing.

This surgery uses a special small camera that is inserted through a port (very small incision in the chest).

Surgery to repair diseases that affect tissues at the back of the eye.

This is a major surgical operation involving the removal of the pancreas and parts of the intestines due to cancer.

Procedures to treat wounds that have not healed.