Service/Procedure Summary
Surgery to repair bones broken in a traumatic event.
Wait times
Community | Facility | Consult Wait Time | Surgery Wait Time |
Bridgewater | South Shore Regional Hospital |
2 days
4 days
Antigonish | St. Martha's Regional Hospital |
9 days
3 days
Halifax | IWK Health Centre |
92 days
3 days
Halifax | QEII Health Sciences Centre (All Sites) |
31 days
65 days
Kentville | Valley Regional Hospital |
66 days
35 days
Dartmouth | Dartmouth General Hospital | --- |
43 days
New Glasgow | Aberdeen Hospital | --- | --- |
Sydney | Cape Breton Regional Hospital | --- |
60 days
Community | Facility | Consult Wait Time | Surgery Wait Time |
Bridgewater | South Shore Regional Hospital |
3 days
13 days
Antigonish | St. Martha's Regional Hospital |
21 days
6 days
Kentville | Valley Regional Hospital |
204 days
85 days
Halifax | IWK Health Centre |
147 days
160 days
Halifax | QEII Health Sciences Centre (All Sites) |
350 days
165 days
Dartmouth | Dartmouth General Hospital | --- |
65 days
New Glasgow | Aberdeen Hospital | --- | --- |
Sydney | Cape Breton Regional Hospital | --- |
95 days
Wait Times by Surgeon
Surgeon | Community | Consult Wait Time | Surgery Wait Time |
Ashvir Singh | Antigonish |
9 days
2 days
Benjamin Orlik | Halifax | --- |
4 days
Chad P Coles | Halifax | --- |
75 days
Christopher Hamilton | Sydney | --- |
38 days
Christy McKinnon | Sydney | --- | --- |
Corne Nel | Antigonish | --- | --- |
Daniel McNeil | New Glasgow | --- | --- |
David G Johnston | Halifax | --- | --- |
David Hayden | Bridgewater | --- | --- |
David Wilson | Halifax | --- | --- |
Devin Ferguson | Halifax | --- |
66 days
Edward Hewins | Kentville | --- |
61 days
Gregory M Hirsch | Halifax | --- |
100 days
J Andrew I Trenholm | Halifax | --- | --- |
Joel Morash | Halifax | --- | --- |
John McPherson | Kentville | --- | --- |
Jonathan Howatt | Kentville | --- | --- |
Kaitlin Boehm | Bridgewater | --- | --- |
Karl John Logan | Halifax | --- |
41 days
Luke Edward Gauthier | Halifax | --- |
3 days
Margaret Wheelock | Halifax | --- | --- |
Michael Bezuhly | Halifax | --- | --- |
Michael Paul Biddulph | Halifax | --- | --- |
Michelle Arakgi | Kentville | --- | --- |
Rany El-Hawary | Halifax | --- | --- |
Ross K Leighton | Halifax | --- | --- |
Surgeon | Community | Consult Wait Time | Surgery Wait Time |
Ashvir Singh | Antigonish |
21 days
3 days
Benjamin Orlik | Halifax | --- |
251 days
Chad P Coles | Halifax | --- |
150 days
Christopher Hamilton | Sydney | --- |
85 days
Christy McKinnon | Sydney | --- | --- |
Corne Nel | Antigonish | --- | --- |
Daniel McNeil | New Glasgow | --- | --- |
David G Johnston | Halifax | --- | --- |
David Hayden | Bridgewater | --- | --- |
David Wilson | Halifax | --- | --- |
Devin Ferguson | Halifax | --- |
97 days
Edward Hewins | Kentville | --- |
115 days
Gregory M Hirsch | Halifax | --- |
120 days
J Andrew I Trenholm | Halifax | --- | --- |
Joel Morash | Halifax | --- | --- |
John McPherson | Kentville | --- | --- |
Jonathan Howatt | Kentville | --- | --- |
Kaitlin Boehm | Bridgewater | --- | --- |
Karl John Logan | Halifax | --- |
160 days
Luke Edward Gauthier | Halifax | --- |
116 days
Margaret Wheelock | Halifax | --- | --- |
Michael Bezuhly | Halifax | --- | --- |
Michael Paul Biddulph | Halifax | --- | --- |
Michelle Arakgi | Kentville | --- | --- |
Rany El-Hawary | Halifax | --- | --- |
Ross K Leighton | Halifax | --- | --- |
Wait Times Trends
Disclaimer: Hospitals, long-term care facilities, and clinics across the province provide all wait time information displayed on this website. Wait times are based on historical data and do not include emergency/priority cases.