To narrow the list of available surgery procedures, select the area of the body that requires surgery. Select the surgical area on the body map from the list.

- Adrenal Surgery
- Aesthetic Surgery
- Amputations
- Aneurysm Repair
- Angioplasty
- Ankle - Arthrodesis
- Ankle - Arthroplasty
- Ankle - Arthroscopy
- Ankle - Arthrotomy
- Ankle - Osteotomy
- Ankle - Reconstruction
- AV Fistula Creation/Closure
- Back Surgery (Adult)
- Back Surgery (Pediatric)
- Bariatric Surgery (for Weight Loss)
- Bladder Cancer Surgery
- Bladder Surgery
- Bone / Cartilage Graft
- Bone-Anchored Hearing Aid (Adult)
- Bone-Anchored Hearing Aid (Pediatric)
- Bowel Resection
- Bowel Resection - Laparoscopic
- Bowel Resection - Open
- Brain Surgery (Adult)
- Brain Surgery (Pediatric)
- Breast Augmentation
- Breast Cancer Surgery
- Breast Reconstruction
- Breast Reduction Surgery
- Bursectomy
- Cardiac Ablation
- Cardiac Valve Replacement
- Cardiovascular Surgery
- Cardiovascular Surgery
- Cardioversion
- Carotid Endarterectomy
- Carpal Tunnel Surgery
- Cataract Surgery
- Cervical Spine (Neck) Surgery
- Cervical Spine (Neck) Surgery
- Chest Scopes (Adult)
- Chest Scopes (Pediatric)
- Cleft Lip/Palate (Adult)
- Cleft Lip/Palate (Pediatric)
- Colorectal Cancer Surgery
- Congenital Heart Surgery
- Cornea and External Disease
- Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
- Craniotomy for Epilepsy
- Craniotomy or Craniectomy
- Cystoscopy
- Dental Extractions and Restorations (Adult)
- Dental Extractions and Restorations (Pediatric)
- Ear Tubes (Adult)
- Ear Tubes (Pediatric)
- Endarterectomy
- Endarterectomy
- Endometrial Ablation
- Esophagectomy / Esophageal Surgery
- Esophagoscopy
- Excision Morton's Neuroma
- Female Incontinence Surgery
- Foot - Arthrodesis
- Foot - Arthroplasty
- Foot - Arthrotomy
- Foot - Bunionectomy
- Foot - Osteotomy
- Foot - Reconstruction
- Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS)
- Gallbladder Surgery
- Gastric Surgery
- Gastric Surgery - Laparoscopic
- Gastrointestinal Tract Surgery
- Gastrointestinal Tract Surgery - Laparoscopic
- Glaucoma (Eye Pressure Lowering Surgery)
- Gynecologic Oncology
- Hand / Upper Extremity
- Head and Neck Surgery
- Hemorrhoidectomy
- Hernia Repair (Adult)
- Hernia Repair (Pediatric)
- Hernia Repair - Incisional
- Hernia Repair - Inguinal/Femoral
- Hernia Repair - Laparoscopic Incisional
- Hernia Repair - Laparoscopic Inguinal Femoral
- Hernia Repair - Laparoscopic Parastomal
- Hernia Repair - Laparoscopic Umbilical
- Hernia Repair - Laparoscopic Ventral
- Hernia Repair - Lumbar
- Hernia Repair - Parastomal
- Hernia Repair - Umbilical
- Hernia Repair - Ventral
- Hip Arthroscopy
- Hip Arthroscopy
- Hip Replacement
- Hip Replacement
- Hip Replacement - Partial
- Hip Replacement - Partial
- Hip Replacement Revision
- Hip Replacement Revision
- Hysterectomy (Cancer Not Suspected)
- Hysterectomy (Cancer Suspected or Proven)
- Hysteroscopy
- Ileoscopy
- Insertion Vascular Access Catheter
- Internal Defib Insertion / Loop Recorder
- Kidney / Upper Urinary Tract
- Kidney Removal
- Kidney Stone Surgery
- Knee Replacement
- Knee Replacement - Partial
- Knee Replacement Revision
- Knee Scope
- Knee Scope with ACL Repair
- Lacrimal Duct Probing
- Laryngology and Vocal Cord Surgery
- Liver Surgery
- Lung Cancer Surgery
- Lung Surgery
- Lymph Node Biopsy
- Male Circumcision (Adult)
- Male Circumcision (Pediatric)
- Male Incontinence Surgery
- Male Reproductive System Surgery
- Manipulation of Extremity
- Manipulation of Extremity
- Manipulation of Extremity
- Maxillofacial Deformity Surgery
- Melanoma Excision
- Meniscectomy
- Nerve or Brain Stimulation
- Nerve Surgery
- Nerve Surgery
- Nerve Surgery
- Nerve Surgery
- Nerve Surgery
- Nerve Surgery
- Nerve Surgery
- Nissen Fundoplication - Laparoscopic
- Nissen Fundoplication - Laparoscopic
- Nissen Fundoplication - Laparoscopic
- Nissen Fundoplication - Open
- Nissen Fundoplication - Open
- Nissen Fundoplication - Open
- Nose Surgery - Reconstructive or Aesthetic
- Oculo Plastic Surgery
- Orthopaedic Trauma
- Osteotomy
- Osteotomy
- Otoplasty
- Pacemaker Insertion
- Palmar Fascia Excision for Dupuytren's Disease
- Pancreas Surgery
- Patella Surgery
- Pelvic Floor Repair
- Peritoneal Lavage or Catherization
- Pilonidal Cyst Surgery
- Pilonidal Cyst Surgery
- Prostate Cancer Surgery
- Prostate Seed Implant/Radiation/Brachytherapy
- Prostate Surgery
- Prostate Surgery - Laparoscopic
- Prostatectomy
- Removal of Ovaries and/or Fallopian Tubes (Cancer Not Suspected)
- Removal of Ovaries and/or Fallopian Tubes (Cancer Suspected or Proven)
- Repair Facial / Orbital Fractures
- Resurfacing - Hip
- Resurfacing - Hip
- Resurfacing - Knee
- Sacral Nerve Stimulation
- Sacral Nerve Stimulation
- Salivary Gland Surgery
- Septoplasty
- Shoulder Arthroplasty
- Shoulder Arthroscopy
- Shoulder Surgery
- Sinus Surgery
- Spinal Cord Stimulation Surgery
- Spinal Cord Stimulation Surgery
- Splenic Surgery
- Sports Medicine
- Sternotomy / Thoracotomy
- Strabismus Surgery (Adult)
- Strabismus Surgery (Pediatric)
- Surgery for Hearing or Balance Problems of the Ear
- Synovectomy
- Synovectomy
- Tear Duct Surgery
- Temperomandibular Joint Surgery (TMJ)
- Temporal Artery Biopsy
- Tendon / Ligament Repair
- Thoroscopy / Pleuroscopy
- Thymectomy
- Thyroid or Parathyroid Surgery
- Tonsillectomy and/or Adenoidectomy (Adult)
- Tonsillectomy and/or Adenoidectomy (Pediatric)
- Tubal Ligation
- Varicose Veins
- Varicose Veins
- Vascular Bypass Surgery
- Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery
- Vitreoretinal Diseases
- Whipple Procedures
- Wound Management