Service/Procedure Summary
This includes both types of procedures. Surgery to remove the ovaries is also called Oophorectomy and surgery to remove fallopian tubes is called Salpingectomy. The wait time shown is for patients who were not suspected of having cancer.
Wait times
Community | Facility | Consult Wait Time | Surgery Wait Time |
Dartmouth | Dartmouth General Hospital |
62 days
100 days
Sydney | Cape Breton Regional Hospital |
101 days
175 days
Antigonish | St. Martha's Regional Hospital |
301 days
67 days
Kentville | Valley Regional Hospital |
397 days
147 days
Amherst | Cumberland Regional Health Care Centre | --- | --- |
Bridgewater | South Shore Regional Hospital | --- |
49 days
Glace Bay | Glace Bay Healthcare Facility | --- | --- |
Halifax | QEII Health Sciences Centre (All Sites) | --- | --- |
New Glasgow | Aberdeen Hospital | --- | --- |
Truro | Colchester East Hants Health Centre | --- | --- |
Yarmouth | Yarmouth Regional Hospital | --- | --- |
Community | Facility | Consult Wait Time | Surgery Wait Time |
Sydney | Cape Breton Regional Hospital |
225 days
252 days
Dartmouth | Dartmouth General Hospital |
330 days
170 days
Antigonish | St. Martha's Regional Hospital |
606 days
77 days
Kentville | Valley Regional Hospital |
766 days
291 days
Amherst | Cumberland Regional Health Care Centre | --- | --- |
Bridgewater | South Shore Regional Hospital | --- |
90 days
Glace Bay | Glace Bay Healthcare Facility | --- | --- |
Halifax | QEII Health Sciences Centre (All Sites) | --- | --- |
New Glasgow | Aberdeen Hospital | --- | --- |
Truro | Colchester East Hants Health Centre | --- | --- |
Yarmouth | Yarmouth Regional Hospital | --- | --- |
Wait Times by Surgeon
Surgeon | Community | Consult Wait Time | Surgery Wait Time |
Brett Vair | Dartmouth |
53 days
38 days
Elissa Cohen | Yarmouth |
98 days
38 days
Heather Stone | Dartmouth |
27 days
109 days
Rebekah Zee | Antigonish |
59 days
77 days
Gillian MacMullin | Sydney |
50 days
113 days
Scott D Mawdsley | Dartmouth |
71 days
102 days
Angus Murray | Truro |
55 days
149 days
Michael Osasere | Sydney |
47 days
168 days
Erin MacLellan | Sydney |
103 days
153 days
Julie Vermeer | Antigonish |
182 days
90 days
Grace Parr | Truro |
271 days
53 days
Shannon Joice | Kentville |
218 days
140 days
Farrell Nette | Kentville |
243 days
164 days
Manivasan Moodley | Sydney |
133 days
311 days
Michael W Rudd | Kentville |
282 days
287 days
Sarah Hudgins | Sydney |
262 days
413 days
Andrea MacDonald | Bridgewater | --- |
90 days
Anna Coolen | Kentville | --- |
286 days
Brittany Black | Truro | --- |
226 days
Changulanda Joshi | New Glasgow | --- | --- |
Fazil Okuboyejo | New Glasgow | --- | --- |
Jessica Pearsall | Bridgewater | --- |
81 days
Jessica Pinkham | Dartmouth |
160 days
--- |
Katharina E Kieser | Halifax | --- | --- |
Lana Saciragic | Halifax | --- | --- |
Nathalie Kupfer | Bridgewater | --- | --- |
Navpreet Bal | Kentville | --- |
141 days
Rachelle Findley | Halifax | --- | --- |
Robyn M MacQuarrie | Bridgewater | --- | --- |
Stephanie Scott | Halifax | --- | --- |
Vaughan Marshall | Antigonish | --- |
104 days
Surgeon | Community | Consult Wait Time | Surgery Wait Time |
Elissa Cohen | Yarmouth |
189 days
102 days
Scott D Mawdsley | Dartmouth |
118 days
208 days
Heather Stone | Dartmouth |
267 days
155 days
Angus Murray | Truro |
70 days
368 days
Rebekah Zee | Antigonish |
301 days
148 days
Gillian MacMullin | Sydney |
102 days
420 days
Brett Vair | Dartmouth |
455 days
135 days
Erin MacLellan | Sydney |
201 days
391 days
Michael Osasere | Sydney |
187 days
532 days
Farrell Nette | Kentville |
484 days
253 days
Grace Parr | Truro |
699 days
61 days
Manivasan Moodley | Sydney |
233 days
544 days
Julie Vermeer | Antigonish |
695 days
177 days
Sarah Hudgins | Sydney |
398 days
598 days
Shannon Joice | Kentville |
509 days
606 days
Michael W Rudd | Kentville |
754 days
378 days
Andrea MacDonald | Bridgewater | --- |
113 days
Anna Coolen | Kentville | --- |
312 days
Brittany Black | Truro | --- |
289 days
Changulanda Joshi | New Glasgow | --- | --- |
Fazil Okuboyejo | New Glasgow | --- | --- |
Jessica Pearsall | Bridgewater | --- |
114 days
Jessica Pinkham | Dartmouth |
330 days
--- |
Katharina E Kieser | Halifax | --- | --- |
Lana Saciragic | Halifax | --- | --- |
Nathalie Kupfer | Bridgewater | --- | --- |
Navpreet Bal | Kentville | --- |
162 days
Rachelle Findley | Halifax | --- | --- |
Robyn M MacQuarrie | Bridgewater | --- | --- |
Stephanie Scott | Halifax | --- | --- |
Vaughan Marshall | Antigonish | --- |
172 days
Wait Times Trends
Disclaimer: Hospitals, long-term care facilities, and clinics across the province provide all wait time information displayed on this website. Wait times are based on historical data and do not include emergency/priority cases.