Service/Procedure Summary
This surgery repairs a hernia that has formed in the same location of an incision from a previous surgery. See "Hernia Repair" for the wait times for other types of hernia repair.
Wait times
Community | Facility | Consult Wait Time | Surgery Wait Time |
Sydney | Cape Breton Regional Hospital |
80 days
180 days
Halifax | QEII Health Sciences Centre (All Sites) |
182 days
153 days
Kentville | Valley Regional Hospital |
321 days
99 days
Amherst | Cumberland Regional Health Care Centre | --- |
60 days
Antigonish | St. Martha's Regional Hospital | --- |
131 days
Bridgewater | South Shore Regional Hospital | --- | --- |
Dartmouth | Dartmouth General Hospital | --- | --- |
Glace Bay | Glace Bay Healthcare Facility | --- | --- |
Halifax | IWK Health Centre | --- | --- |
Inverness | Inverness Consolidated Memorial Hospital | --- | --- |
New Glasgow | Aberdeen Hospital | --- | --- |
Truro | Colchester East Hants Health Centre | --- |
90 days
Windsor | Hants Community Hospital | --- | --- |
Yarmouth | Yarmouth Regional Hospital | --- | --- |
Community | Facility | Consult Wait Time | Surgery Wait Time |
Sydney | Cape Breton Regional Hospital |
248 days
357 days
Halifax | QEII Health Sciences Centre (All Sites) |
377 days
338 days
Kentville | Valley Regional Hospital |
1090 days
134 days
Amherst | Cumberland Regional Health Care Centre | --- |
86 days
Antigonish | St. Martha's Regional Hospital | --- |
150 days
Bridgewater | South Shore Regional Hospital | --- | --- |
Dartmouth | Dartmouth General Hospital | --- | --- |
Glace Bay | Glace Bay Healthcare Facility | --- | --- |
Halifax | IWK Health Centre | --- | --- |
Inverness | Inverness Consolidated Memorial Hospital | --- | --- |
New Glasgow | Aberdeen Hospital | --- | --- |
Truro | Colchester East Hants Health Centre | --- |
183 days
Windsor | Hants Community Hospital | --- | --- |
Yarmouth | Yarmouth Regional Hospital | --- | --- |
Wait Times by Surgeon
Surgeon | Community | Consult Wait Time | Surgery Wait Time |
Nabil Nader | Amherst |
26 days
71 days
Oleg Lefel | Yarmouth |
15 days
87 days
Edward Joy | Bridgewater |
49 days
58 days
Martin Dzierzanowski | Truro |
41 days
73 days
Mark J Walsh | Halifax |
27 days
97 days
David MacFarlane | Kentville |
45 days
103 days
Paul Yaffe | Kentville |
51 days
106 days
Jane Watson-Jessome | Windsor |
101 days
67 days
Lukas Wasserman | Antigonish |
31 days
143 days
John Booth | Truro |
38 days
183 days
Ahmed Jad | Truro |
134 days
101 days
Alison Archibald | Sydney |
92 days
162 days
Jonathan Boyde Enright | Dartmouth |
162 days
108 days
C Marius Hoogerboord | Halifax |
157 days
126 days
Samuel Minor | Halifax |
302 days
163 days
Ryan Patrick Kelly | Kentville |
534 days
143 days
Riley Stewart | Dartmouth |
462 days
260 days
Alicia Lamey | Sydney | --- | --- |
Andrea Marie Faryniuk | Amherst |
67 days
--- |
Benjamin Heisler | Kentville | --- | --- |
Blair MacDonald | Yarmouth | --- |
69 days
Boris Gala Lopez | Halifax | --- | --- |
Chakshu Sahi | New Glasgow | --- | --- |
Christopher Blackmore | Halifax | --- | --- |
Christopher Murphy | Yarmouth | --- | --- |
Clay K Butler | Sydney | --- |
296 days
Colin McWilliams | Amherst | --- |
49 days
Colleen M O'Sullivan | New Glasgow | --- | --- |
F Donald Clark | Kentville | --- |
72 days
Farisa Hossain | Antigonish | --- | --- |
Jenelle King | Yarmouth | --- | --- |
John L Murdoch | Dartmouth |
253 days
--- |
Karen Milford | Halifax | --- | --- |
Kevin Johnson | Bridgewater | --- | --- |
Kieron McGibney | Truro | --- | --- |
Krista de Boer | Antigonish | --- | --- |
Rhys Kavanagh | Bridgewater | --- | --- |
Scott Livingstone | Halifax | --- | --- |
Stephanie Lapierre | Sydney | --- |
80 days
Todd Stoddart | Bridgewater | --- | --- |
Warren W Shih | Dartmouth | --- | --- |
Surgeon | Community | Consult Wait Time | Surgery Wait Time |
Edward Joy | Bridgewater |
61 days
109 days
Oleg Lefel | Yarmouth |
62 days
137 days
Nabil Nader | Amherst |
102 days
102 days
Martin Dzierzanowski | Truro |
49 days
173 days
Jane Watson-Jessome | Windsor |
126 days
147 days
John Booth | Truro |
78 days
232 days
Lukas Wasserman | Antigonish |
47 days
335 days
Ahmed Jad | Truro |
242 days
178 days
David MacFarlane | Kentville |
350 days
152 days
Paul Yaffe | Kentville |
334 days
175 days
Jonathan Boyde Enright | Dartmouth |
195 days
381 days
Alison Archibald | Sydney |
283 days
340 days
C Marius Hoogerboord | Halifax |
510 days
299 days
Mark J Walsh | Halifax |
49 days
910 days
Samuel Minor | Halifax |
731 days
243 days
Riley Stewart | Dartmouth |
736 days
306 days
Ryan Patrick Kelly | Kentville |
1090 days
675 days
Alicia Lamey | Sydney | --- | --- |
Andrea Marie Faryniuk | Amherst |
98 days
--- |
Benjamin Heisler | Kentville | --- | --- |
Blair MacDonald | Yarmouth | --- |
126 days
Boris Gala Lopez | Halifax | --- | --- |
Chakshu Sahi | New Glasgow | --- | --- |
Christopher Blackmore | Halifax | --- | --- |
Christopher Murphy | Yarmouth | --- | --- |
Clay K Butler | Sydney | --- |
631 days
Colin McWilliams | Amherst | --- |
86 days
Colleen M O'Sullivan | New Glasgow | --- | --- |
F Donald Clark | Kentville | --- |
79 days
Farisa Hossain | Antigonish | --- | --- |
Jenelle King | Yarmouth | --- | --- |
John L Murdoch | Dartmouth |
326 days
--- |
Karen Milford | Halifax | --- | --- |
Kevin Johnson | Bridgewater | --- | --- |
Kieron McGibney | Truro | --- | --- |
Krista de Boer | Antigonish | --- | --- |
Rhys Kavanagh | Bridgewater | --- | --- |
Scott Livingstone | Halifax | --- | --- |
Stephanie Lapierre | Sydney | --- |
236 days
Todd Stoddart | Bridgewater | --- | --- |
Warren W Shih | Dartmouth | --- | --- |
Wait Times Trends
Disclaimer: Hospitals, long-term care facilities, and clinics across the province provide all wait time information displayed on this website. Wait times are based on historical data and do not include emergency/priority cases.