Surgeon Summary Surgery to treat conditions that affect the bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and nerves. Wait times 50th Surgeon Procedure Community Consult Wait Time Surgery Wait Time Alison Archibald Amputations Sydney --- 28 days Allison Tucker Shoulder Arthroscopy Windsor 43 days 41 days Allison Tucker Carpal Tunnel Surgery Windsor 53 days 43 days Allison Tucker Knee Scope Windsor 94 days 43 days Allison Tucker Knee Scope with ACL Repair Windsor 47 days 35 days Andrew Hayward Carpal Tunnel Surgery New Glasgow 31 days 43 days Andrew Hayward Tendon / Ligament Repair New Glasgow --- --- Andrew Hayward Knee Scope New Glasgow --- --- Andrew Hayward Knee Replacement Revision New Glasgow --- --- Andrew Hayward Knee Replacement New Glasgow 174 days 55 days Andrew Hayward Hip Replacement Revision New Glasgow --- --- Andrew Hayward Foot - Arthrodesis New Glasgow --- --- Andrew Hayward Hip Replacement New Glasgow 166 days 49 days Ashvir Singh Palmar Fascia Excision for Dupuytren's Disease Antigonish 99 days 114 days Ashvir Singh Hand / Upper Extremity Antigonish 35 days --- Ashvir Singh Tendon / Ligament Repair Antigonish 37 days 93 days Ashvir Singh Carpal Tunnel Surgery Antigonish 56 days 65 days Ashvir Singh Orthopaedic Trauma Antigonish 9 days 2 days Ashvir Singh Wound Management Antigonish --- --- Ashvir Singh Nerve Surgery Antigonish 34 days --- Bangaradka Radhakrishna Prasad Knee Replacement New Glasgow 94 days 114 days Bangaradka Radhakrishna Prasad Carpal Tunnel Surgery New Glasgow 43 days 36 days Bangaradka Radhakrishna Prasad Hip Replacement New Glasgow 95 days 94 days Bangaradka Radhakrishna Prasad Knee Scope New Glasgow 50 days 37 days Benjamin Heisler Amputations Kentville --- --- Benjamin Orlik Tendon / Ligament Repair Halifax --- 67 days Benjamin Orlik Osteotomy Halifax --- 225 days Benjamin Orlik Orthopaedic Trauma Halifax --- 4 days Benjamin Orlik Hand / Upper Extremity Halifax --- --- Benjamin Orlik Knee Scope Halifax --- 151 days Benjamin Orlik Amputations Halifax --- --- Bernard Burgesson Foot - Arthrodesis Halifax 571 days --- Brendan O'Neill Hip Replacement Dartmouth 329 days 103 days Brendan O'Neill Knee Replacement Dartmouth 327 days 93 days Brendan O'Neill Hip Replacement Revision Dartmouth --- --- Brendan O'Neill Knee Scope Dartmouth --- --- Catherine M Coady Knee Scope Halifax 85 days 81 days Catherine M Coady Sports Medicine Halifax --- --- Catherine M Coady Patella Surgery Halifax 170 days 189 days Catherine M Coady Meniscectomy Halifax 170 days 189 days Catherine M Coady Tendon / Ligament Repair Halifax --- --- Catherine M Coady Knee Scope with ACL Repair Halifax 65 days 118 days Catherine M Coady Shoulder Arthroscopy Halifax 118 days 133 days Chad G Robertson Bone / Cartilage Graft Halifax --- --- Chad P Coles Orthopaedic Trauma Halifax --- 63 days Chad P Coles Bone / Cartilage Graft Halifax --- --- Christopher Glen Richardson Resurfacing - Knee Halifax --- --- Christopher Glen Richardson Knee Replacement Revision Halifax --- 93 days Christopher Glen Richardson Hip Replacement Revision Halifax 33 days 85 days Christopher Glen Richardson Hip Replacement Halifax 42 days 459 days Christopher Glen Richardson Knee Replacement Halifax 66 days 1107 days Christopher Hamilton Shoulder Arthroplasty Sydney 255 days 85 days Christopher Hamilton Shoulder Arthroscopy Sydney 243 days 62 days Christopher Hamilton Orthopaedic Trauma Sydney --- 47 days Christopher Hamilton Hip Replacement Sydney 181 days 59 days Christopher Hamilton Shoulder Surgery Sydney 245 days 83 days Christopher Murphy Amputations Yarmouth --- --- Christy McKinnon Excision Morton's Neuroma Sydney --- --- Christy McKinnon Knee Scope Sydney --- --- Christy McKinnon Tendon / Ligament Repair Sydney --- --- Christy McKinnon Foot - Bunionectomy Sydney --- --- Christy McKinnon Amputations Sydney 43 days 79 days Christy McKinnon Foot - Arthrodesis Sydney 40 days 100 days Corne Nel Carpal Tunnel Surgery Antigonish 65 days 62 days Corne Nel Orthopaedic Trauma Antigonish --- --- Corne Nel Palmar Fascia Excision for Dupuytren's Disease Antigonish --- 202 days Daniel McNeil Hand / Upper Extremity New Glasgow --- --- Daniel McNeil Tendon / Ligament Repair New Glasgow --- 69 days Daniel McNeil Carpal Tunnel Surgery New Glasgow --- 117 days Daniel McNeil Shoulder Arthroscopy New Glasgow 78 days 121 days Daniel McNeil Shoulder Arthroplasty New Glasgow 49 days 163 days Daniel McNeil Orthopaedic Trauma New Glasgow --- --- Daniel McNeil Shoulder Surgery New Glasgow 45 days 163 days Daniel McNeil Hip Replacement New Glasgow 77 days 177 days Daniel McNeil Nerve Surgery New Glasgow --- --- David A O'Brien Hip Replacement Dartmouth 488 days 402 days David A O'Brien Carpal Tunnel Surgery Dartmouth --- --- David A O'Brien Knee Replacement Dartmouth 485 days 287 days David A O'Brien Knee Replacement Revision Dartmouth --- --- David A O'Brien Knee Scope Dartmouth 191 days 134 days David A O'Brien Shoulder Arthroscopy Dartmouth --- --- David A O'Brien Knee Scope with ACL Repair Dartmouth --- --- David A O'Brien Knee Replacement - Partial Dartmouth 411 days 316 days David G Johnston Shoulder Arthroplasty Halifax 321 days 550 days David G Johnston Orthopaedic Trauma Halifax --- --- David G Johnston Palmar Fascia Excision for Dupuytren's Disease Halifax --- --- David G Johnston Shoulder Arthroscopy Halifax 58 days 465 days David G Johnston Tendon / Ligament Repair Halifax 212 days 312 days David G Johnston Shoulder Surgery Halifax 231 days 550 days David G Johnston Hand / Upper Extremity Halifax 112 days 412 days David Hayden Nerve Surgery Bridgewater --- 68 days David Hayden Tendon / Ligament Repair Bridgewater --- --- David Hayden Orthopaedic Trauma Bridgewater --- --- David Hayden Hand / Upper Extremity Bridgewater 80 days --- David Hayden Palmar Fascia Excision for Dupuytren's Disease Bridgewater 147 days 90 days David Hayden Amputations Bridgewater --- --- David Hayden Carpal Tunnel Surgery Bridgewater 141 days 72 days David Wilson Orthopaedic Trauma Halifax --- --- David Wilson Hip Replacement Revision Halifax 38 days 15 days David Wilson Hip Replacement Halifax 89 days 24 days David Wilson Knee Replacement Halifax --- 35 days Dawn MacLellan Wound Management Halifax --- --- Dennis Todd Boudreau Manipulation of Extremity New Glasgow --- --- Dennis Todd Boudreau Knee Replacement Revision New Glasgow --- --- Dennis Todd Boudreau Knee Scope New Glasgow --- 99 days Dennis Todd Boudreau Knee Replacement New Glasgow 109 days 78 days Dennis Todd Boudreau Hip Replacement New Glasgow 64 days 88 days Dennis Todd Boudreau Carpal Tunnel Surgery New Glasgow --- --- Dennis Todd Boudreau Tendon / Ligament Repair New Glasgow --- --- Dennis Todd Boudreau Foot - Reconstruction New Glasgow --- --- Dennis Todd Boudreau Ankle - Arthrodesis New Glasgow --- --- Devin Ferguson Carpal Tunnel Surgery Halifax --- --- Devin Ferguson Orthopaedic Trauma Halifax --- --- Devin Ferguson Shoulder Surgery Halifax 91 days 70 days Devin Ferguson Tendon / Ligament Repair Halifax --- 65 days Devin Ferguson Shoulder Arthroscopy Halifax 98 days 62 days Devin Ferguson Hand / Upper Extremity Halifax 51 days 50 days Devin Ferguson Shoulder Arthroplasty Halifax 75 days 70 days Donald M Brien Hip Replacement Sydney 195 days 139 days Donald M Brien Knee Replacement Sydney 195 days 183 days Donald M Brien Knee Replacement Revision Sydney --- --- Douglas A Legay Shoulder Arthroscopy Dartmouth 76 days 88 days Douglas A Legay Knee Scope Dartmouth 76 days 85 days Douglas A Legay Shoulder Surgery Dartmouth 374 days 320 days Douglas A Legay Foot - Bunionectomy Dartmouth --- --- Douglas A Legay Tendon / Ligament Repair Dartmouth --- --- Douglas A Legay Shoulder Arthroplasty Dartmouth 321 days 333 days Douglas A Legay Hip Arthroscopy Dartmouth 77 days 247 days Douglas A Legay Knee Scope with ACL Repair Dartmouth 76 days 73 days Douglas A Legay Sports Medicine Dartmouth --- --- Edward Hewins Osteotomy Kentville --- --- Edward Hewins Orthopaedic Trauma Kentville --- 90 days Edward Hewins Hand / Upper Extremity Kentville --- 152 days Edward Hewins Carpal Tunnel Surgery Kentville 210 days 69 days Edward Hewins Nerve Surgery Kentville --- 93 days Edward Hewins Tendon / Ligament Repair Kentville 158 days 143 days Edward Hewins Shoulder Arthroscopy Kentville 105 days 134 days Edward Hewins Shoulder Surgery Kentville 204 days 202 days Edward Hewins Knee Scope Kentville --- --- Edward Hewins Shoulder Arthroplasty Kentville 204 days 207 days Emily Krauss Amputations Halifax --- --- Emily Krauss Tendon / Ligament Repair Halifax 84 days 36 days Emily Krauss Hand / Upper Extremity Halifax 258 days --- Emily Krauss Nerve Surgery Halifax 69 days 34 days Emily Krauss Palmar Fascia Excision for Dupuytren's Disease Halifax 374 days 71 days Emily Krauss Carpal Tunnel Surgery Halifax --- --- Faith Dodd Carpal Tunnel Surgery Sydney 91 days 71 days Faith Dodd Nerve Surgery Sydney --- --- Faith Dodd Knee Replacement Sydney 180 days 66 days Faith Dodd Tendon / Ligament Repair Sydney --- 122 days Faith Dodd Hip Replacement Sydney 90 days 66 days George R Davis Tendon / Ligament Repair Dartmouth 128 days 25 days George R Davis Palmar Fascia Excision for Dupuytren's Disease Dartmouth 188 days 106 days George R Davis Carpal Tunnel Surgery Dartmouth 282 days 23 days Gregory Clarke Hip Replacement Kentville 140 days 463 days Gregory Clarke Meniscectomy Kentville --- --- Gregory Clarke Patella Surgery Kentville --- --- Gregory Clarke Manipulation of Extremity Kentville --- --- Gregory Clarke Hip Replacement Revision Kentville --- --- Gregory Clarke Knee Replacement Kentville 409 days 424 days Gregory Clarke Knee Scope with ACL Repair Kentville --- --- Gregory Clarke Knee Scope Kentville --- 190 days Gregory Clarke Orthopaedic Trauma Kentville --- --- Gregory Clarke Knee Replacement Revision Kentville --- --- Gregory M Hirsch Orthopaedic Trauma Halifax --- 100 days Ian W Ross Bone / Cartilage Graft Bridgewater --- --- Ivan Wong Sports Medicine Halifax --- --- Ivan Wong Shoulder Surgery Halifax --- 288 days Ivan Wong Knee Scope Halifax --- 193 days Ivan Wong Shoulder Arthroscopy Halifax 81 days 218 days Ivan Wong Knee Scope with ACL Repair Halifax --- --- Ivan Wong Hip Arthroscopy Halifax 75 days 384 days J Andrew I Trenholm Tendon / Ligament Repair Halifax 57 days --- J Andrew I Trenholm Orthopaedic Trauma Halifax --- --- J Andrew I Trenholm Manipulation of Extremity Halifax --- --- J Andrew I Trenholm Carpal Tunnel Surgery Halifax --- --- J Andrew I Trenholm Hand / Upper Extremity Halifax 51 days --- J Andrew I Trenholm Shoulder Surgery Halifax 61 days 251 days J Andrew I Trenholm Shoulder Arthroplasty Halifax 61 days 246 days J Andrew I Trenholm Shoulder Arthroscopy Halifax 73 days 194 days James Brady Bone / Cartilage Graft Halifax --- 168 days Jason G Williams Tendon / Ligament Repair Halifax --- 52 days Jason G Williams Hand / Upper Extremity Halifax --- 76 days Jason G Williams Nerve Surgery Halifax --- --- Jason G Williams Palmar Fascia Excision for Dupuytren's Disease Halifax 677 days 78 days Jean-Charles Doucet Bone / Cartilage Graft Halifax --- 191 days Jennifer Laura Leighton Hip Replacement Revision Dartmouth --- 97 days Jennifer Laura Leighton Hip Replacement Dartmouth 139 days 110 days Jennifer Laura Leighton Knee Replacement Revision Dartmouth --- 57 days Jennifer Laura Leighton Knee Replacement Dartmouth 174 days 118 days Jessica Louise Mills Wound Management Halifax --- --- Joel Morash Foot - Osteotomy Halifax --- --- Joel Morash Foot - Reconstruction Halifax --- --- Joel Morash Ankle - Arthrodesis Halifax --- --- Joel Morash Osteotomy Halifax --- --- Joel Morash Ankle - Arthroscopy Halifax 130 days 120 days Joel Morash Ankle - Arthroplasty Halifax 108 days 51 days Joel Morash Foot - Arthrodesis Halifax 443 days 141 days Joel Morash Amputations Halifax --- --- Joel Morash Tendon / Ligament Repair Halifax --- 44 days Joel Morash Orthopaedic Trauma Halifax --- --- Joel Powell Bone / Cartilage Graft Halifax --- --- Joey McDonald Amputations Halifax --- 13 days John D Stein Palmar Fascia Excision for Dupuytren's Disease Halifax --- --- John D Stein Tendon / Ligament Repair Halifax --- 36 days John D Stein Bone / Cartilage Graft Halifax --- --- John D Stein Wound Management Halifax --- --- John McPherson Orthopaedic Trauma Kentville --- --- John McPherson Carpal Tunnel Surgery Kentville 105 days 111 days John McPherson Tendon / Ligament Repair Kentville 98 days 111 days John McPherson Shoulder Arthroscopy Kentville 104 days 152 days John McPherson Palmar Fascia Excision for Dupuytren's Disease Kentville --- --- John McPherson Shoulder Surgery Kentville 201 days 213 days John McPherson Shoulder Arthroplasty Kentville 287 days 240 days John McPherson Manipulation of Extremity Kentville --- 113 days John McPherson Hand / Upper Extremity Kentville --- --- Johnny Rayes Tendon / Ligament Repair Sydney --- --- Johnny Rayes Knee Replacement - Partial Sydney --- --- Johnny Rayes Knee Scope Sydney 59 days 76 days Johnny Rayes Knee Replacement Sydney 151 days 115 days Johnny Rayes Shoulder Arthroscopy Sydney 62 days 88 days Johnny Rayes Knee Scope with ACL Repair Sydney 18 days 75 days Jonathan Howatt Orthopaedic Trauma Kentville --- --- Jonathan Howatt Foot - Osteotomy Kentville --- --- Jonathan Howatt Hip Replacement Kentville 357 days 593 days Jonathan Howatt Osteotomy Kentville --- --- Jonathan Howatt Foot - Arthrodesis Kentville 102 days 128 days Jonathan Howatt Carpal Tunnel Surgery Kentville 37 days 114 days Jonathan Howatt Shoulder Arthroscopy Kentville --- --- Jonathan Howatt Knee Replacement Kentville 415 days 529 days Jonathan Howatt Knee Scope Kentville 20 days 118 days Joseph Corkum Tendon / Ligament Repair Halifax --- 32 days Joseph Corkum Wound Management Halifax --- 12 days Justin L Paletz Hand / Upper Extremity Halifax 511 days 49 days Justin L Paletz Palmar Fascia Excision for Dupuytren's Disease Halifax 265 days 96 days Justin L Paletz Tendon / Ligament Repair Halifax --- 75 days Kaitlin Boehm Orthopaedic Trauma Bridgewater --- --- Kaitlin Boehm Carpal Tunnel Surgery Bridgewater 100 days 44 days Kaitlin Boehm Tendon / Ligament Repair Bridgewater --- --- Kaitlin Boehm Palmar Fascia Excision for Dupuytren's Disease Bridgewater 90 days 124 days Kaitlin Boehm Nerve Surgery Bridgewater --- 102 days Karl John Logan Meniscectomy Halifax --- --- Karl John Logan Orthopaedic Trauma Halifax --- 41 days Karl John Logan Bone / Cartilage Graft Halifax --- --- Karl John Logan Patella Surgery Halifax --- --- Karl John Logan Knee Scope with ACL Repair Halifax --- 121 days Karl John Logan Tendon / Ligament Repair Halifax --- --- Karl John Logan Hip Arthroscopy Halifax --- --- Karl John Logan Knee Scope Halifax 43 days 112 days Karl John Logan Osteotomy Halifax --- --- Kevin Johnson Amputations Bridgewater --- --- Kieron McGibney Palmar Fascia Excision for Dupuytren's Disease Truro --- --- Lukas Wasserman Carpal Tunnel Surgery Antigonish 22 days 115 days Luke Armstrong Knee Scope Kentville --- --- Luke Armstrong Knee Replacement Kentville 388 days 86 days Luke Armstrong Hip Replacement Kentville 237 days 91 days Luke Edward Gauthier Osteotomy Halifax --- --- Luke Edward Gauthier Patella Surgery Halifax --- --- Luke Edward Gauthier Hand / Upper Extremity Halifax --- --- Luke Edward Gauthier Foot - Reconstruction Halifax --- --- Luke Edward Gauthier Ankle - Arthrodesis Halifax --- --- Luke Edward Gauthier Tendon / Ligament Repair Halifax 103 days 93 days Luke Edward Gauthier Orthopaedic Trauma Halifax --- 4 days Luke Edward Gauthier Meniscectomy Halifax --- --- Marco Chiarot Bone / Cartilage Graft Bridgewater 163 days 180 days Margaret Wheelock Tendon / Ligament Repair Halifax --- 36 days Margaret Wheelock Osteotomy Halifax --- --- Margaret Wheelock Orthopaedic Trauma Halifax --- --- Margaret Wheelock Hand / Upper Extremity Halifax --- --- Margaret Wheelock Wound Management Halifax --- 2 days Mark A Glazebrook Tendon / Ligament Repair Halifax --- 146 days Mark A Glazebrook Ankle - Arthrodesis Halifax --- --- Mark A Glazebrook Ankle - Arthroscopy Halifax --- --- Mark A Glazebrook Foot - Bunionectomy Halifax 678 days 142 days Mark A Glazebrook Osteotomy Halifax --- --- Mark A Glazebrook Foot - Osteotomy Halifax --- --- Mark A Glazebrook Foot - Reconstruction Halifax --- --- Mark A Glazebrook Sports Medicine Halifax --- --- Mark A Glazebrook Foot - Arthrodesis Halifax 746 days 129 days Matthew Smith Amputations Halifax --- --- Megan Gillis Foot - Arthrodesis Kentville --- --- Megan Gillis Knee Replacement - Partial Kentville --- 288 days Megan Gillis Knee Replacement Kentville 493 days 347 days Megan Gillis Knee Scope Kentville 84 days 75 days Megan Gillis Hip Replacement Kentville 219 days 350 days Megan Gillis Bursectomy Kentville --- --- Megan Gillis Amputations Kentville --- --- Michael Bezuhly Orthopaedic Trauma Halifax --- 1 days Michael Bezuhly Amputations Halifax --- --- Michael Bezuhly Hand / Upper Extremity Halifax --- --- Michael Bezuhly Wound Management Halifax --- --- Michael Bezuhly Tendon / Ligament Repair Halifax --- 102 days Michael Gross Hip Replacement Halifax 175 days 84 days Michael Gross Knee Replacement Halifax 182 days 85 days Michael Gross Knee Replacement - Partial Halifax 175 days 96 days Michael Gross Knee Scope Halifax --- 81 days Michael J Dunbar Knee Replacement Revision Halifax 158 days 137 days Michael J Dunbar Hip Replacement Halifax 76 days 509 days Michael J Dunbar Tendon / Ligament Repair Halifax --- --- Michael J Dunbar Hip Replacement Revision Halifax 180 days --- Michael J Dunbar Knee Replacement Halifax 97 days 640 days Michael Paul Biddulph Knee Replacement Halifax --- 332 days Michael Paul Biddulph Knee Scope Halifax 39 days 156 days Michael Paul Biddulph Hip Replacement Revision Halifax --- 48 days Michael Paul Biddulph Tendon / Ligament Repair Halifax --- 106 days Michael Paul Biddulph Shoulder Arthroscopy Halifax 56 days 162 days Michael Paul Biddulph Amputations Halifax --- --- Michael Paul Biddulph Knee Replacement Revision Halifax --- 51 days Michael Paul Biddulph Orthopaedic Trauma Halifax --- --- Michael Paul Biddulph Hip Replacement Halifax --- 76 days Michelle Arakgi Orthopaedic Trauma Kentville --- --- Michelle Arakgi Hip Replacement Kentville 419 days 205 days Michelle Arakgi Knee Scope Kentville 68 days 32 days Michelle Arakgi Knee Replacement Kentville 402 days 105 days Michelle Arakgi Shoulder Arthroscopy Kentville 142 days --- Michelle Arakgi Knee Scope with ACL Repair Kentville 31 days 44 days Michelle E O'Neill Knee Replacement Revision Sydney --- 71 days Michelle E O'Neill Knee Replacement Sydney 167 days 104 days Michelle E O'Neill Hip Replacement Revision Sydney --- --- Michelle E O'Neill Hip Replacement Sydney 163 days 98 days Min S Lee Amputations Halifax --- --- Nadia L Murphy Hip Replacement Revision Kentville --- --- Nadia L Murphy Knee Replacement Revision Kentville --- --- Nadia L Murphy Knee Scope Kentville 55 days 92 days Nadia L Murphy Knee Replacement Kentville 390 days 154 days Nadia L Murphy Foot - Bunionectomy Kentville 334 days 109 days Nadia L Murphy Carpal Tunnel Surgery Kentville 78 days --- Nadia L Murphy Amputations Kentville --- --- Nadia L Murphy Hip Replacement Kentville 348 days 163 days Nathan Alexander Urquhart Shoulder Arthroscopy Dartmouth 30 days 107 days Nathan Alexander Urquhart Tendon / Ligament Repair Dartmouth --- --- Nathan Alexander Urquhart Hip Arthroscopy Dartmouth 92 days 76 days Nathan Alexander Urquhart Meniscectomy Dartmouth 106 days 118 days Nathan Alexander Urquhart Osteotomy Dartmouth --- --- Nathan Alexander Urquhart Patella Surgery Dartmouth 106 days 118 days Nathan Alexander Urquhart Knee Scope with ACL Repair Dartmouth 21 days 103 days Nathan Alexander Urquhart Shoulder Surgery Dartmouth --- --- Nathan Alexander Urquhart Knee Replacement Dartmouth --- --- Nathan Alexander Urquhart Knee Scope Dartmouth 55 days 68 days Patrick J Casey Amputations Halifax --- --- Philip John Rasmussen Amputations Halifax --- --- Philip John Rasmussen Wound Management Halifax --- --- Rany El-Hawary Orthopaedic Trauma Halifax --- --- Raymond Andrew Glennie Hand / Upper Extremity Halifax --- --- Raymond Andrew Glennie Osteotomy Halifax --- --- Richard Hurley Knee Scope Dartmouth --- --- Richard Hurley Knee Replacement Dartmouth 91 days 89 days Richard Hurley Hip Replacement Dartmouth 68 days 90 days Richard Hurley Knee Replacement Revision Dartmouth --- --- Richard Hurley Manipulation of Extremity Dartmouth --- --- Ross K Leighton Manipulation of Extremity Halifax 38 days 15 days Ross K Leighton Knee Replacement Revision Halifax --- 112 days Ross K Leighton Knee Replacement Halifax 104 days 414 days Ross K Leighton Hip Replacement Revision Halifax --- --- Ross K Leighton Hip Replacement Halifax 101 days 195 days Ross K Leighton Orthopaedic Trauma Halifax --- --- Samuel Jessula Amputations Halifax --- --- Stanislaus Sequeira Knee Scope New Glasgow --- 62 days Stanislaus Sequeira Carpal Tunnel Surgery New Glasgow --- --- Stanislaus Sequeira Knee Replacement - Partial New Glasgow --- 532 days Stanislaus Sequeira Knee Replacement Revision New Glasgow --- --- Stanislaus Sequeira Knee Replacement New Glasgow 150 days 509 days Stanislaus Sequeira Hip Replacement New Glasgow 99 days 327 days Susan Bourque Bone / Cartilage Graft Sydney 293 days 213 days Tahmir H. El-Tahan Sports Medicine New Glasgow --- --- Tahmir H. El-Tahan Tendon / Ligament Repair New Glasgow --- --- Tahmir H. El-Tahan Knee Scope New Glasgow 88 days 98 days Tahmir H. El-Tahan Resurfacing - Knee New Glasgow --- --- Tahmir H. El-Tahan Carpal Tunnel Surgery New Glasgow --- --- Tahmir H. El-Tahan Shoulder Arthroscopy New Glasgow 112 days 113 days Tahmir H. El-Tahan Knee Scope with ACL Repair New Glasgow 43 days --- Tahmir H. El-Tahan Manipulation of Extremity New Glasgow --- --- Tahmir H. El-Tahan Hip Replacement New Glasgow --- 162 days Tahmir H. El-Tahan Knee Replacement New Glasgow --- 301 days Thomas Duncan Smith Hip Replacement Revision Dartmouth --- --- Thomas Duncan Smith Knee Replacement Dartmouth --- 261 days Thomas Duncan Smith Hip Replacement Dartmouth 182 days 171 days Thomas Duncan Smith Knee Replacement - Partial Dartmouth --- --- Thomas Duncan Smith Knee Scope Dartmouth --- --- Thomas Duncan Smith Knee Replacement Revision Dartmouth --- 80 days Todd Stoddart Carpal Tunnel Surgery Bridgewater 41 days 18 days Wouter Van Graan Knee Scope New Glasgow 150 days 59 days Wouter Van Graan Amputations New Glasgow --- --- Wouter Van Graan Knee Replacement New Glasgow 204 days 82 days Wouter Van Graan Hip Replacement New Glasgow 163 days 73 days 90th Surgeon Procedure Community Consult Wait Time Surgery Wait Time Alison Archibald Amputations Sydney --- 37 days Allison Tucker Shoulder Arthroscopy Windsor 127 days 126 days Allison Tucker Carpal Tunnel Surgery Windsor 105 days 90 days Allison Tucker Knee Scope Windsor 242 days 102 days Allison Tucker Knee Scope with ACL Repair Windsor 120 days 104 days Andrew Hayward Carpal Tunnel Surgery New Glasgow 40 days 66 days Andrew Hayward Tendon / Ligament Repair New Glasgow --- --- Andrew Hayward Knee Scope New Glasgow --- --- Andrew Hayward Knee Replacement Revision New Glasgow --- --- Andrew Hayward Knee Replacement New Glasgow 404 days 112 days Andrew Hayward Hip Replacement Revision New Glasgow --- --- Andrew Hayward Foot - Arthrodesis New Glasgow --- --- Andrew Hayward Hip Replacement New Glasgow 332 days 98 days Ashvir Singh Palmar Fascia Excision for Dupuytren's Disease Antigonish 223 days 150 days Ashvir Singh Hand / Upper Extremity Antigonish 74 days --- Ashvir Singh Tendon / Ligament Repair Antigonish 97 days 113 days Ashvir Singh Carpal Tunnel Surgery Antigonish 123 days 171 days Ashvir Singh Orthopaedic Trauma Antigonish 21 days 3 days Ashvir Singh Wound Management Antigonish --- --- Ashvir Singh Nerve Surgery Antigonish 75 days --- Bangaradka Radhakrishna Prasad Knee Replacement New Glasgow 179 days 215 days Bangaradka Radhakrishna Prasad Carpal Tunnel Surgery New Glasgow 156 days 56 days Bangaradka Radhakrishna Prasad Hip Replacement New Glasgow 187 days 147 days Bangaradka Radhakrishna Prasad Knee Scope New Glasgow 134 days 61 days Benjamin Heisler Amputations Kentville --- --- Benjamin Orlik Tendon / Ligament Repair Halifax --- 620 days Benjamin Orlik Osteotomy Halifax --- 343 days Benjamin Orlik Orthopaedic Trauma Halifax --- 48 days Benjamin Orlik Hand / Upper Extremity Halifax --- --- Benjamin Orlik Knee Scope Halifax --- 653 days Benjamin Orlik Amputations Halifax --- --- Bernard Burgesson Foot - Arthrodesis Halifax 670 days --- Brendan O'Neill Hip Replacement Dartmouth 519 days 263 days Brendan O'Neill Knee Replacement Dartmouth 544 days 267 days Brendan O'Neill Hip Replacement Revision Dartmouth --- --- Brendan O'Neill Knee Scope Dartmouth --- --- Catherine M Coady Knee Scope Halifax 592 days 219 days Catherine M Coady Sports Medicine Halifax --- --- Catherine M Coady Patella Surgery Halifax 344 days 204 days Catherine M Coady Meniscectomy Halifax 344 days 204 days Catherine M Coady Tendon / Ligament Repair Halifax --- --- Catherine M Coady Knee Scope with ACL Repair Halifax 193 days 284 days Catherine M Coady Shoulder Arthroscopy Halifax 246 days 212 days Chad G Robertson Bone / Cartilage Graft Halifax --- --- Chad P Coles Orthopaedic Trauma Halifax --- 145 days Chad P Coles Bone / Cartilage Graft Halifax --- --- Christopher Glen Richardson Resurfacing - Knee Halifax --- --- Christopher Glen Richardson Knee Replacement Revision Halifax --- 186 days Christopher Glen Richardson Hip Replacement Revision Halifax 113 days 264 days Christopher Glen Richardson Hip Replacement Halifax 112 days 1280 days Christopher Glen Richardson Knee Replacement Halifax 128 days 1677 days Christopher Hamilton Shoulder Arthroplasty Sydney 389 days 111 days Christopher Hamilton Shoulder Arthroscopy Sydney 314 days 115 days Christopher Hamilton Orthopaedic Trauma Sydney --- 95 days Christopher Hamilton Hip Replacement Sydney 308 days 125 days Christopher Hamilton Shoulder Surgery Sydney 389 days 111 days Christopher Murphy Amputations Yarmouth --- --- Christy McKinnon Excision Morton's Neuroma Sydney --- --- Christy McKinnon Knee Scope Sydney --- --- Christy McKinnon Tendon / Ligament Repair Sydney --- --- Christy McKinnon Foot - Bunionectomy Sydney --- --- Christy McKinnon Amputations Sydney 57 days 122 days Christy McKinnon Foot - Arthrodesis Sydney 55 days 259 days Corne Nel Carpal Tunnel Surgery Antigonish 159 days 139 days Corne Nel Orthopaedic Trauma Antigonish --- --- Corne Nel Palmar Fascia Excision for Dupuytren's Disease Antigonish --- 265 days Daniel McNeil Hand / Upper Extremity New Glasgow --- --- Daniel McNeil Tendon / Ligament Repair New Glasgow --- 188 days Daniel McNeil Carpal Tunnel Surgery New Glasgow --- 175 days Daniel McNeil Shoulder Arthroscopy New Glasgow 350 days 213 days Daniel McNeil Shoulder Arthroplasty New Glasgow 185 days 245 days Daniel McNeil Orthopaedic Trauma New Glasgow --- --- Daniel McNeil Shoulder Surgery New Glasgow 185 days 245 days Daniel McNeil Hip Replacement New Glasgow 188 days 264 days Daniel McNeil Nerve Surgery New Glasgow --- --- David A O'Brien Hip Replacement Dartmouth 656 days 549 days David A O'Brien Carpal Tunnel Surgery Dartmouth --- --- David A O'Brien Knee Replacement Dartmouth 675 days 532 days David A O'Brien Knee Replacement Revision Dartmouth --- --- David A O'Brien Knee Scope Dartmouth 484 days 711 days David A O'Brien Shoulder Arthroscopy Dartmouth --- --- David A O'Brien Knee Scope with ACL Repair Dartmouth --- --- David A O'Brien Knee Replacement - Partial Dartmouth 631 days 473 days David G Johnston Shoulder Arthroplasty Halifax 713 days 778 days David G Johnston Orthopaedic Trauma Halifax --- --- David G Johnston Palmar Fascia Excision for Dupuytren's Disease Halifax --- --- David G Johnston Shoulder Arthroscopy Halifax 720 days 850 days David G Johnston Tendon / Ligament Repair Halifax 607 days 548 days David G Johnston Shoulder Surgery Halifax 680 days 778 days David G Johnston Hand / Upper Extremity Halifax 708 days 820 days David Hayden Nerve Surgery Bridgewater --- 241 days David Hayden Tendon / Ligament Repair Bridgewater --- --- David Hayden Orthopaedic Trauma Bridgewater --- --- David Hayden Hand / Upper Extremity Bridgewater 121 days --- David Hayden Palmar Fascia Excision for Dupuytren's Disease Bridgewater 379 days 282 days David Hayden Amputations Bridgewater --- --- David Hayden Carpal Tunnel Surgery Bridgewater 211 days 132 days David Wilson Orthopaedic Trauma Halifax --- --- David Wilson Hip Replacement Revision Halifax 75 days 23 days David Wilson Hip Replacement Halifax 248 days 52 days David Wilson Knee Replacement Halifax --- 45 days Dawn MacLellan Wound Management Halifax --- --- Dennis Todd Boudreau Manipulation of Extremity New Glasgow --- --- Dennis Todd Boudreau Knee Replacement Revision New Glasgow --- --- Dennis Todd Boudreau Knee Scope New Glasgow --- 118 days Dennis Todd Boudreau Knee Replacement New Glasgow 556 days 151 days Dennis Todd Boudreau Hip Replacement New Glasgow 280 days 139 days Dennis Todd Boudreau Carpal Tunnel Surgery New Glasgow --- --- Dennis Todd Boudreau Tendon / Ligament Repair New Glasgow --- --- Dennis Todd Boudreau Foot - Reconstruction New Glasgow --- --- Dennis Todd Boudreau Ankle - Arthrodesis New Glasgow --- --- Devin Ferguson Carpal Tunnel Surgery Halifax --- --- Devin Ferguson Orthopaedic Trauma Halifax --- --- Devin Ferguson Shoulder Surgery Halifax 145 days 95 days Devin Ferguson Tendon / Ligament Repair Halifax --- 70 days Devin Ferguson Shoulder Arthroscopy Halifax 148 days 105 days Devin Ferguson Hand / Upper Extremity Halifax 202 days 92 days Devin Ferguson Shoulder Arthroplasty Halifax 127 days 117 days Donald M Brien Hip Replacement Sydney 372 days 245 days Donald M Brien Knee Replacement Sydney 365 days 291 days Donald M Brien Knee Replacement Revision Sydney --- --- Douglas A Legay Shoulder Arthroscopy Dartmouth 103 days 204 days Douglas A Legay Knee Scope Dartmouth 105 days 288 days Douglas A Legay Shoulder Surgery Dartmouth 875 days 578 days Douglas A Legay Foot - Bunionectomy Dartmouth --- --- Douglas A Legay Tendon / Ligament Repair Dartmouth --- --- Douglas A Legay Shoulder Arthroplasty Dartmouth 875 days 578 days Douglas A Legay Hip Arthroscopy Dartmouth 98 days 297 days Douglas A Legay Knee Scope with ACL Repair Dartmouth 87 days 151 days Douglas A Legay Sports Medicine Dartmouth --- --- Edward Hewins Osteotomy Kentville --- --- Edward Hewins Orthopaedic Trauma Kentville --- 115 days Edward Hewins Hand / Upper Extremity Kentville --- 400 days Edward Hewins Carpal Tunnel Surgery Kentville 957 days 258 days Edward Hewins Nerve Surgery Kentville --- 165 days Edward Hewins Tendon / Ligament Repair Kentville 246 days 222 days Edward Hewins Shoulder Arthroscopy Kentville 283 days 282 days Edward Hewins Shoulder Surgery Kentville 497 days 351 days Edward Hewins Knee Scope Kentville --- --- Edward Hewins Shoulder Arthroplasty Kentville 497 days 351 days Emily Krauss Amputations Halifax --- --- Emily Krauss Tendon / Ligament Repair Halifax 596 days 112 days Emily Krauss Hand / Upper Extremity Halifax 812 days --- Emily Krauss Nerve Surgery Halifax 288 days 71 days Emily Krauss Palmar Fascia Excision for Dupuytren's Disease Halifax 664 days 117 days Emily Krauss Carpal Tunnel Surgery Halifax --- --- Faith Dodd Carpal Tunnel Surgery Sydney 402 days 319 days Faith Dodd Nerve Surgery Sydney --- --- Faith Dodd Knee Replacement Sydney 250 days 150 days Faith Dodd Tendon / Ligament Repair Sydney --- 266 days Faith Dodd Hip Replacement Sydney 260 days 157 days George R Davis Tendon / Ligament Repair Dartmouth 538 days 41 days George R Davis Palmar Fascia Excision for Dupuytren's Disease Dartmouth 1039 days 292 days George R Davis Carpal Tunnel Surgery Dartmouth 700 days 90 days Gregory Clarke Hip Replacement Kentville 238 days 609 days Gregory Clarke Meniscectomy Kentville --- --- Gregory Clarke Patella Surgery Kentville --- --- Gregory Clarke Manipulation of Extremity Kentville --- --- Gregory Clarke Hip Replacement Revision Kentville --- --- Gregory Clarke Knee Replacement Kentville 432 days 574 days Gregory Clarke Knee Scope with ACL Repair Kentville --- --- Gregory Clarke Knee Scope Kentville --- 408 days Gregory Clarke Orthopaedic Trauma Kentville --- --- Gregory Clarke Knee Replacement Revision Kentville --- --- Gregory M Hirsch Orthopaedic Trauma Halifax --- 120 days Ian W Ross Bone / Cartilage Graft Bridgewater --- --- Ivan Wong Sports Medicine Halifax --- --- Ivan Wong Shoulder Surgery Halifax --- 344 days Ivan Wong Knee Scope Halifax --- 520 days Ivan Wong Shoulder Arthroscopy Halifax 399 days 605 days Ivan Wong Knee Scope with ACL Repair Halifax --- --- Ivan Wong Hip Arthroscopy Halifax 248 days 787 days J Andrew I Trenholm Tendon / Ligament Repair Halifax 216 days --- J Andrew I Trenholm Orthopaedic Trauma Halifax --- --- J Andrew I Trenholm Manipulation of Extremity Halifax --- --- J Andrew I Trenholm Carpal Tunnel Surgery Halifax --- --- J Andrew I Trenholm Hand / Upper Extremity Halifax 87 days --- J Andrew I Trenholm Shoulder Surgery Halifax 210 days 515 days J Andrew I Trenholm Shoulder Arthroplasty Halifax 210 days 515 days J Andrew I Trenholm Shoulder Arthroscopy Halifax 225 days 506 days James Brady Bone / Cartilage Graft Halifax --- 252 days Jason G Williams Tendon / Ligament Repair Halifax --- 89 days Jason G Williams Hand / Upper Extremity Halifax --- 150 days Jason G Williams Nerve Surgery Halifax --- --- Jason G Williams Palmar Fascia Excision for Dupuytren's Disease Halifax 729 days 111 days Jean-Charles Doucet Bone / Cartilage Graft Halifax --- 256 days Jennifer Laura Leighton Hip Replacement Revision Dartmouth --- 149 days Jennifer Laura Leighton Hip Replacement Dartmouth 174 days 205 days Jennifer Laura Leighton Knee Replacement Revision Dartmouth --- 162 days Jennifer Laura Leighton Knee Replacement Dartmouth 237 days 233 days Jessica Louise Mills Wound Management